
Fundikira Kippaya
4 min readJan 31, 2021

Creativity is human imagination and transformational expression that leads to various functional and beneficial concepts. It may manifest existing or non-existing ideas. It may lead to tangible and meaningful objects, products, or services.

The creativity strength of an individual is embedded in their subconscious mind. It is how a person accesses their subconscious and distinctly explores novel ideas to solve problems.

To some people, creativity is a natural gift, an intrinsic passion from birth. For others, it is a hidden potential they may find out later in life. As they experience life, they become aware during their self-discovery journey. Creativity flows where it links with an individual’s passion.

There are many aspects of creativity; this may include innovation, which is the improvement or repurposing of existing concepts, products, or services.

Generation of new ideas and insights to advance knowledge. There is a myriad of possibilities to explore novel ways to create efficiencies in contribution to human productivity.

Productivity is part of human life’s existence. To live, humans must produce essentials like food, dwellings, and clothing.

Creativity improves the quality of all the essential of life. As humans strive to live a better life, imagination has played a significant role in the history of human advancement.

Some creative possibilities are viable and verifiable to contribute towards improving the human condition. As we produce to survive, live, and thrive.

Practicality is pivotal to creative processes. Therefore, a sustainable creative process embodies feasibility and the ability for flexibility and adaptability.

Over the years, creativity has been a significant part of my life. It is integrated and weaved in all my activities. Creative experience in art-making evokes inquisitiveness and curiosity.

Some of the creative practices I engage in include sketching, drawing, painting, and photography. The innovative attributes have a profound cross-disciplinary and creative thought process.

My creative background has a deep link to my learning passion. In my personal life and business career, creative thinking has been useful in daily practice.

With experience, I developed creative thought processes, which embody transdisciplinary practices leading to theories, including entrepreneurship.

Curiosity, Observation, Reflection, Exploration (CORE). This process is part of my creative thinking. It includes thinking by timeline referencing and considering that everything has ancestral connections and evolves with time.

Therefore, everything has a historical past and appreciate its present and future possibilities of improvements. My creative thinking process integrates anthropological inquiry methodology to connect dots. I am linking various knowledge intending to improve practice.

I have a great love of musical instruments. I have investigated, for instance, an African marimba and realised it is an ancestor of a piano. As I look further, the African fiddle is another example. A one-stringed instrument played by thrusting bowed piece. I see it is directly related to the violin family, including the cello and viola.

As I combine anthropological and creative thinking, I can creatively trace the originality and evolution of things. Therefore, I get innovative insights to solve much of contemporary life and daily socioeconomic challenges.

This process enables to improve or repurpose objects. To find solutions in knowledge creation and distill practical wisdom.

I enjoy creativity as part of my passion for continuous learning. I am expanding my knowledge.

David Epstein, in his famous book Range, argues: “In a wicked world, where we are constantly facing rapidly changing demands, we desperately need people who aren’t afraid to quit and try something new, who think broadly and rely on a breadth of diverse experience to find creative solutions. Creative achievers tend to have broad interests”

I tend to learn wider. Hence, I am not a vertical thinking specialist but more a creative lateral thinking generalist, for I am interested in many fields to deepen my problem-solving insight.

I am curious about life, and I am not a teacher but a student of and for life — my interests range from civilisation histories, cultures, philosophy, mythology, theology, sciences, arts, socioeconomics and spirituality.

This approach affords me access to a range of subject matter. It deepens and enables me to think laterally and creatively.

I strive to find wisdom. Therefore, I make connections when engaging in comparative studies for insight into creativity.

In my experience over the years, I have gained more in-depth insight and the ability to integrate knowledge to broaden wisdom.

Creativity is key to human productivity; it contributes to personal growth and career engagement success. It includes investment in entrepreneurial ventures and wealth creation.

In passion is where creativity resides. Can you access your creativity?



Fundikira Kippaya

Transformational Personal Growth Collaborator Connection. Wellness. Creativity (Coaching/Training/Mentoring)